Sport nets - volleyball

Antennae for volleyball nets

Dimensions: height 1800mm, diameter 10mm, white colour.

- white glass-fibre bar
- top part of antennae (800mm) has contrast marking each 100mm of red and white fields

Antennae are designed for all types of volleyball nets. Antennae mark out the sector of playing field above the volleyball net.
Antennae can be attached to volleyball net either by suspension shackle or can be plugged into the case for volleyball antennae.

Cases for Antennae - for volleyball nets

Dimensions: height 1000mm (when installed on the net), width of white part 50mm, width of black part 20mm

Cases are designed for all types of volleyball nets. Cases mark out the sector of playing field and hold the volleyball antennae on the net.

- thick PVC coated canvas (tarpaulin), black and white colour
- Cases are attached to volleyball net by Velcro tack (bur-clasp) and ensured by lashing of braided cord.

Picture nr. 1
How to hang the volleyball net properly:

How to hang the volleyball net properly:

Picture nr. 2
How to lace the rope through the fixing locks

Detail picture of bottom and top suspension of competition volleyball nets