Fishing nets - Active fishing gear

Purse seine net

Sampling with purse seine net is based on encircling fi sh in the open water and capturing them.

Six rules for successful sampling:
Advantages of purse seine net:


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RNDr. Jiří Peterka, Ph.D. (*1975)
RNDr. Jiří Peterka, Ph.D. I obtained my doctorate in zoology from the Faculty of Science at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. I worked as a research assistant at the Institute of Hydrobiology (Biology Centre AS CR, v.v.i., Fish Ecology Unit) during my studies. Since 2013 I have been the head of the Department of Fish and Zooplankton Ecology. I am also a council member of the institute of Hydrobiology. My main research topics are succession of fi sh communities in post-mining lakes, research of intra- and inter-specifi c competition (especially competition of our most important families – Cyprinidae and Percidae) and occurrence and behavior of fi sh in open water habitats. I use direct observation techniques and verify their results using active and passive sampling methods. I teach Marine biology and Marine biology field course at the Faculty of Science. I am also supervisor of bachelor, diploma and doctoral theses. I am an author or co-author of more than 30 primary research articles published in a variety of notable scientific journals, treatises, reports and chapters in the professional literature.
tel.: +420 387 775 854

Sampling with purse seine net is used mostly in marine fi sheries. The following studies show the possibilities ofpurse seine net use in lentic waters (Tischler et al. 2000, Ríha et al. 2012, Muška et al. 2013).

Tischler, G., Gassner, H. & Wanzenböck, J. 2000. Sampling characteristics of two methods for capturing age-0 fish in pelagic lake habitats. Journal of Fish Biology 57: 1474-1487 Říha M., Jůza T., Prchalová M., Mrkvička T., Čech M., Draštík V., Muška M., Kratochvíl M., Peterka J., Tušer M., Vašek M., Kubečka J. 2012. The size selectivity of the main body of a sampling pelagic pair trawl in freshwater reservoirs during the night. Fisheries Research 127– 128. 56– 60 Muška M., Tušer M., Frouzová J., Draštík V., Čech M., Jůza T., Kratochvíl M., Mrkvička T., Peterka J., Prchalová M., Říha M., Vašek M., Kubečka J. (2013). To migrate, or not to migrate: partial diel horizontal migration of fish in a temperate freshwater reservoir. Hydrobiologia 707: 17-28.

Instructions for use:
Choosing the right sampling spot
Boat preparation

Net preparation

Casting purse seine net

Net fully encircled the sampled area and sank to its maximum depth in the water column.

Boat is approximately on the same place where the haul started – fish shoal is in the encircled area.

Join the lower lines of the net together immediately, attach additional weight if needed. Drawstring has to stay inwards (it must not be outside the casted net). Organize the net on the boat as follows: Anchor the net core to the stern – it forms the outer part of overlapping nets. Anchor the end part with larger mesh to the aft – it forms the inner part of overlapping nets.

Pulling the drawstring leads to fast closing of the lower part of the net

Place fish into floating live-box or vat on the second boat.

Prepare the net for next fishing sample on the shore.

Purse seine net designed for research is available in two standard sizes:

Purse seine net for fry sampling


Designed for fish fry: suitable on small water bodies where fry trawl cannot be used

PES2 x 250, 80, 1006

Purse seine net for adult and juvenile fish


Designed for adult and juvenile fish:

PA6 mm – 210/4
8 mm – 210/4
10 mm – 210/6
Composition of 120 m length
30 m - mesh 6 mm
45 m - mesh 8 mm
45 m - mesh 10 mm

Boat designed for purse seine net

Developed by members of Institute of Hydrobiology, BC AV CR v.v.i. in České Budějovice.

The boat has patent protection (302159).

Technical parameters of the boat

Boat for purse seine net is suitable for scientifi cresearchscientific research